A5 Northern Motorway,
Eibesbrunn - Schrick Section
Client: ASFINAG (Motorway Financing AG) / Provincial Government of Lower Austria
Development Period: 2002 to 2010
The rapidly increasing traffic flow caused by the opening of the eastern borders make the development of the road system in the east of Austria indispensable. In this connection, the establishment of the A5 holds a high priority.
In the course of the first construction section Eibesbrunn - Schrick with a length of 23.3 km, seven junctions, one tunnel (length 500 m) and 29 bridges were realized in addition to the four-lane motorway.
In order to attain the basics, BGG first gathered information on-site and from the local authorities. Subsequently, direct subsoil investigations (drillings, dynamic probings, exploratory pits) with hydraulic tests were planned, supervised and evaluated.
Based on the results, the geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical expert's report for the route selection and the environmental assessment procedure has been compiled. This report includes the definition of the measures for the earthworks as well as recommendations for the foundation of the bridges on the one hand. On the other hand, the intensity of impact on ground water and remaining influence according to the environmental impact assessment law are described.
Crossings of the Valleys Pellendorfer Graben and Weidenbach:
For the crossings of the valleys Pellendorfer Graben and Weidenbach, structures with lengths of 150 m are built. In the vicinity of the foundations, floodplain sediments with soft consistency exist up to a depth of 8 m. Ground water in the area is confined with a pressure level close to the surface. The high loads from the structures in connection with the disadvantageous subsoil properties make a deep foundation indispensable. Furthermore, a soil improvement by means of the vibro-replacement technique was carried out for the adjacent embankments (height up to 10 m).
In the section around the Pellendorfer Graben, measures to avoid a negative impact on the ground water in the protected area of the water supply facility Gaweinsthal - Bad Pirawarth had to be taken.
November 2010